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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Marketing Aptitude / Computer Knowledge

Marketing Aptitude / Computer Knowledge
161. Cross-selling covers—
(A) Identifying customer needs
(B) Matching the Products to customer needs
(C) Convincing the customers of Product benefits
(D) Responding to questions and objections of customers
(E) All of these
162. A Prospect means—
(A) Any customer who walks into the Bank
(B) An employee of the Bank
(C) A customer who is likely to be interested in Bank's Product or service
(D) A Depositor of the Bank
(E) A Borrower of the Bank
163. A Lead means—
(A) A Prospect who is more likely to avail of the Bank's Product
(B) A Political Leader
(C) A Religious Leader
(D) A Bank Chairman
(E) None of these
164. Innovation means—
(A) Compensation
(B) Inspiration
(C) Additional perquisites
(D) Implementing new ideas or new methods
(E) None of these
165. A Call means—
(A) Calling on friends
(B) Calling on Bank employees
(C) Calling on Prospective customers
(D) To make telephone calls
(E) Calling on relatives
166. The Traditional Marketing style involves—
(A) Telemarketing
(B) Digital Marketing
(C) Indirect Marketing
(D) Direct Marketing
(E) All of these
167. Modern methods of Marketing include—
(A) Publicity on the net
(B) Advertisement on the net
(C) Soliciting business through e-mails
(D) Telemarketing
(E) All of these
168. A true marketing mindset requires—
(A) Command and order mindset
(B) Control mindset
(C) Active mindset
(D) Passive mindset
(E) None of these
169. Which of the following sentences is True ?
(A) Marketing is not required in a Buyers' Market
(B) Marketing is not required in a Sellers' Market
(C) Marketing is not required due to globalization
(D) Marketing is not required due to competition
(E) Marketing is not required due to liberalization
170. For effective marketing, the salesmen should have which of these qualities—
(A) Creativity
(B) Team spirit
(C) Motivation
(D) Effective communication skills
(E) All of these
171. Market information means—
(A) Knowledge of shops and bazaars
(B) Knowledge of shopping malls
(C) Knowledge of customer profile and product mix
(D) Knowledge of various languages
(E) None of these
172. Market Research is needed for—
(A) Deciding the market area
(B) Deciding the right product to be sold
(C) Making proper marketing decisions
(D) Deciding right time to sell
(E) All of these
173. Which of the following statements is True ?
(A) Marketing makes the Company to go into loss due to higher expenses
(B) Marketing is not required in profit-making companies
(C) Marketing sharpens the minds of the employees
(D) Marketing is a time-bound seasonal function
(E) Marketing is a waste of time
174. Marketing Plan helps in—
(A) Better lead generation
(B) Better systems
(C) Better results
(D) Improved Balance Sheet
(E) Better customer service
175. If Marketing is done effectively, which of the following is not required—
(A) Advertisement
(B) Publicity
(C) Market Research
(D) Market Segmentation
(E) None of these
176. Motivation means—
(A) Inspiring employees to perform better
(B) Better Communication Skills
(C) Sales coaching
(D) Market Research
(E) None of these
177. In a Selling Process in today's world—
(A) Only standard products are sold
(B) No customization required
(C) The Seller need not have product knowledge
(D) The Seller should aim at customer satisfaction
(E) Only quantum of sales matters
178. Find the True statement—
(A) Marketing is a waste of the employees' time
(B) Marketing is not required in India due to its vast population
(C) Marketing involves additional work
(D) Marketing involves team work
(E) Marketing is not required today due to IT advancement
179. A Target Market is—
(A) Entire country
(B) Entire city
(C) Entire globe
(D) That which consists of customers who need the identified product
(E) All of these
180. Sales forecasting involves—
(A) Sales Planning
(B) Sales pricing
(C) Distribution Channels
(D) Consumer tastes
(E) All of these
181. How many options does a binary choice offer ?
(A) None
(B) One
(C) Two
(D) It depends on the amount of memory in the computer
(E) It depends on the speed of the computer's processor
182. Data going into the computer is called—
(A) Output
(B) Algorithm
(C) Input
(D) Calculations
(E) Flowchart
183. How many values can be represented by a single byte ?
(A) 4
(B) 16
(C) 64
(D) 256
(E) 512
184. Transformation of input into output is performed by—
(A) Peripherals
(B) Memory
(C) Storage
(D) The Input-Output unit
(E) The CPU
185. Device drivers are—
(A) Tiny power cords for external storage devices
(B) Experts who know how to maximize the performance of devices
(C) Small, special-purpose programs
(D) The innermost part of the operating system
(E) Substitutes for operating system
186. A collection of programs that controls how your computer system runs and processes information is called—
(A) Operating system
(B) Computer
(C) Office
(D) Compiler
(E) Interpreter
187. Which of the following refers to a small, single-site network ?
188. A set of instructions telling the computer what to do is called—
(A) Mentor(B) Instructor
(C) Compiler(D) Program
(E) Debugger
189. If you receive an e-mail from someone you don't know, what should you do ?
(A) Forward it to the police immediately
(B) Delete it without opening it
(C) Open it and respond to them saying you don't know them
(D) Reply and ask them for their personal information
(E) Reply and tell them you want to keep in touch with them
190. Which of the following can handle most system functions that aren't handled directly by the operating system ?
(A) Vertical-market applications
(B) Utilities
(C) Algorithms
(D) Integrated software
(E) Compilers
191. Microsoft Office is—
(A) Shareware
(B) Public-domain software
(C) Open-source software
(D) A vertical-market application
(E) An application suite
192. Computers connected to a LAN (Local Area Network) can—
(A) Run faster
(B) Go on line
(C) Share information and/or share peripheral equipment
(D) E-mail
(E) None of these
193. Which of the following refers to the memory in your computer ?
194. Information travels between components on the motherboard through—
(A) Flash memory (B) CMOS
(C) Bays (D) Buses
(E) Peripherals
195. One megabyte equals approximately—
(A) 1,000 bits
(B) 1,000 bytes
(C) 1 million bytes
(D) 1 million bits
(E) 2,000 bytes
196. When you are working on a document on a PC, where is the document temporarily stored ?
(C) The CPU
(D) Flash memory
(E) The CD-ROM
197. How are data organized in a spreadsheet ?
(A) Lines and spaces
(B) Layers and planes
(C) Height and width
(D) Rows and columns
(E) None of these
198. Magnetic tape is not practical for applications where data must be quickly recalled because tape is—
(A) A random-access medium
(B) A sequential-access medium
(C) A read-only medium
(D) Fragile and easily damaged
(E) An expensive storage medium
199. The blinking symbol on the computer screen is called the—
(A) Mouse
(B) Logo
(C) Hand
(D) Palm
(E) Cursor
200. When cutting and pasting, the item cut is temporarily stored in—
(B) Hard drive
(C) Diskette
(D) Dashboard
(E) Clipboard
Answers 161.(B) 162. (C) 163. (A) 164. (D)
165.(C) 166. (C) 167. (E) 168. (A)
169.(B) 170. (E) 171. (C) 172. (E)
173.(E) 174. (E) 175. (B) 176. (A)
177.(D) 178. (D) 179. (D) 180. (E)
181.(C) 182. (C) 183. (E) 184. (E)
185.(D) 186. (B) 187. (A) 188. (D)
189.(B) 190. (A) 191. (E) 192. (C)
193.(A) 194. (D) 195. (C) 196. (A)
197.(D) 198. (E) 199. (E) 200. (E)


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