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Saturday, July 22, 2017

Anthropology (Ph.D.) 2017 Solved Question Paper

1.                  Anthropology is literally the study of 
            A)        Human population patterns                 B)        Human history
            C)        Humans                                               D)        The products of human societies
2.                  Which of the following is NOT usually considered one of the four main fields of  Anthropology?

            A)        Prehistoric archaeology                       B)        Biological anthropology
            C)        Anthropological linguistics                 D)        Applied anthropology
3.                  Prosimians, monkeys, apes, and humans are all members of the order 
            A) Humans                  B) Homo sapiens        C) Primatology            D) Primates
4.                  Mendel’s law of independent assortment can be demonstrated by
            A) Test cross               B)  Monohybrid cross   C)  Back cross           D) Dihybrid cross
5.                  Which bone marked with characteristic ‘linea aspera’?
A) Ulna                        B) Femur                     C)  Tibia                      D) Humerus 
6.                  The earliest primates of Palaeocene epoch
            A) Apes                       B) Lemurs                   C) Monkeys                D) Man
7.                  Simian shelf 
A)                Is a shelf like thickening along the inside of the ape mandible
B)                Is a shelf like bony structure in the centre of the femur of man
C)                Is a shelf like bony thickness on the upper side of the cranium of ape
D)                Is a shelf like bony buttress just above the orbits in apes
8.                  Who described Gigantopithecus bilaspurensis 
            A)        Sahni and Chopra 1969                      B) Pilbeam and Simons 1970
            C)        Simons and Chopra 1969                    D) Simons and Sahni 1970      
9.                  Forehead is well developed and well arched in 
            A) Gorilla                    B) Loris                       C) Chimpanzee           D) Man
10.              Systema Naturae’ was written by
            A) Darwin                   B) Lamarck                 C) Weismann              D) Linnaeus     
11.              Who discovered the ‘Taung baby’
            A) Raymond Dart       B) LSB Leakey           C) Richard Leakey      D) Robert Brown
12.              Population genetics is the study of 
            A) Gene pool of main species            B)        Gene pool of populations
            C) Genetic variations                                      D)        Individual variations
13.              Medial malleolus is found in 
            A) Cranium                 B) Femur                     C) Mandible    D) Tibia
14.              Homo heidelbergensis was discovered in        
            A) Germany    B) South Africa          C) East Africa             D) Asia             
15.              Acheulian culture belongs 
            A) South Africa          B) East Africa             C) Europe                    D) Asia
16.              Baton de Commandment belongs to which cultural phase
            A) Mousterian             B) Magdelenian          C) Solutran                  D) Acheulian
17.              Venus of Willendorf belongs to 
            A) Perigordian B) Solutrean    C) Aurignacian            D)  Mousterian
18.              ‘Flake culture’ is also known as 
            A) Lower palaolithic culture              B) Middle palaeolithic culture
            C) Neolithic culture                                        D) Mesolithic culture
19.              Langhnaj site belongs to 
            A) Lower palaolithic culture of India             B) Middle palaeolithic culture of India
            C) Neolithic culture of India              D) Mesolithic culture of India
20.              ‘Prepared core technique’ is also known as
            A) Clactonian technique                                 B) Cylinder hammer technique
            C) Levalloisian technique                               D)   Direct percussion technique
21.              The chromosomes which are not associated with sex are known as 
            A) Y- chromosomes                            B) Poly chromosomes   C) Autosomes                                                D) Polytene chromosomes 
22.              The terminal end of the chromosome is 
            A) Telomere    B) Satellite                  C) Centromere D) Metamere
23.              The complete set of genes or genetic material present in a cell or organism is known as 
            A) Genetic code                                              B) Genome       C) Gene amplification                          D) Transcription           
24.              ‘Gametes are never hybrids’, this is a statement of 
            A) Law of segregation                                    B) Law of dominance             C) Law of random fertilization                D) Law of independent assortment
25.              During mitosis, the chromosomes begin to separate in 
 A) Metaphase stage B) Anaphase stage C) Prophase stage D) Telophase stage 
26.              American anthropologist Clifford Geertz practiced
            A) Medical Anthropology                              B) Political anthropology
            C) Symbolic anthropology                              D) Ecological anthropology
27.              “The Division of Labour in Society” was written by
            A) EB Tylor                                        B) Margaret Mead       
C) Emile Durkheim                                         D) Ruth Benedict        
28.              Jane Goodall’s notable work exists on 
            A) Cultural anthropology                                B) Primatology             
            C) Archaeology                                               D) Human genetics
29.              Who among the following has defined culture as "essentially a response to human need"? 
            A) Radcliff-Brown                                         B) EB Tylor     C) R. Linton                                                  D) B. Malinowski

30.              Sol Tax was famous for his work on 
            A) Symbolic anthropology                              B) Action anthropology           
            C) Visual anthropology                                   D) Economic anthropology
31.              The term "Sankritisation" was coined by
            A) L.P. Vidyarthi                                            B) Verrier Elwyn         
C) D.P. Mukherjee                                          D) M.N. Srinivas
32.              Which among the following is a Matrilineal society 
            A) Oraon                     B) Garo                       C) Bhil            D) Baiga
33.              The tern ‘folk society’ was first used by
            A) Srinivas                  B) Malinowski            C) Tylor                       D) Redfield
34.              A widow marrying the brother of her deceased husband is called:
            A) Levirate                  B) Pratiloma    C) Polygamy               D) Polygyny
35.              Unilineal descent groups are known as 
            A) Clans                      B) Tribes                     C) Caste                      D) Lineages
36.              The culturally established affiliation with one or both the parents is
            A) Clan                       B) Descent                  C) Tribe                       D) Caste
37.              Pastoralism in an economy is characterized by 
 A) Killing and eating of animals  B) Grazing of animals and using their products
            C) Trading of live stocks                                D) Trading of cereals

38.              Who wrote the famous book “The Elementary forms of Religious Life”
            A) Emile Durkheim                                         B) Edmund Leach       
C) Raymond Firth                                           D)  Radcliff Brown
39.              Who gave the idea of animism?
 A) Emile Durkheim B) Herbert Hutton C) WHR Rivers D) Edward Tylor

40.              Religion can be defined as
            A) Faith in God                                              B) A universal category of culture       
            C) A mode of worship                                    D) Faith in magic
41.              The Jajmani system represents the 
A)  inter-marrying relationship between higher and lower castes in a village
B)   Functional interdependence of difference castes in a village
C)   Binary opposition between pure and impure castes in a village
D)  Ritualistic superiority of the higher castes in a village
42.              ‘Group marriage’ takes place in 
            A) Oraons                   B) Baiga                      C) Bhils                       D) Todas  
43.              Who named the Tribals as “Harijans”
 A) MN Srinivas B) Mahatma Gandhi C) Verrier Elwyn D) DN Majumdar
44.              According to 2011 Census, the Tribal population constitutes
            A) 6.1% of India’s population                        B) 12.2% of India’s population
            C) 8.6% of India’s population                       D) 15.3% of India’s population
45.              Bone tools were abundant during 
            A) Lower Palaeolithic Culture                        B) Middle Palaeolithic Culture
            C) Upper Palaeolithic Culture            D) Chalcolithic Culture            
46.              Most of the tribal societies come under the category
            A) Complex society B) Folk society   C) Peasant society       D) Caste society
47.              The British school of diffusion was founded by:-
 A) Grafton Elliot Smith                                   B) W.J.Perry    
 C)  W.H.R. Rivers                                            D)  F.W.Schmidt
48.              Half life of C14 is 
            A) 3750                       B)        5703                C)        5730                D) 7350


49.              Hardy Weinberg law is a concept of 
            A) Human Growth and Development            B) Human Genetics     
            C) Population Genetics                                   D) Human Ecology
50.              HD Sankalia is known for discoveries in 
            A) Palaeoanthropology                                   B) Human Genetics                C) Human Ecology                                              D) Prehistoric Archaeology

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